Company in line with "good faith for this, quality for first, reciprocal benefit mutual benefit" the principle, has won the general customers high praise. 公司本着“诚信为本、质量为先、互惠互利”的原则,赢得了广大客户的好评。
The reciprocal trade is possible, but the traders can't benefit equally; 互惠贸易是真实的,但贸易利得是不均衡的;
According to the social exchange theory, the interaction between individual and organization is based on the reciprocal benefit, the both sides possibly form the social contract, and whether trusting each other is pivotal to maintain this contract. 根据社会交换理论,组织中成员与组织之间的互动关系是基于互惠的基础,双方可能形成社会性契约,维系这个契约的关键在于成员与组织之间是否彼此信任。
The reciprocal relationship is different in the history according to the protection of the benefit. 而在不同历史时期对利益保护不同产生互动的矛盾关系此消彼长的现象。
The socialism harmonious labor management relation is the economic interest relations on the base of unification of opposites, reciprocal and mutual benefit, and also is the strategic partnership between labor, capital owner and manager. 社会主义和谐劳资关系是指在社会主义市场经济条件下,由劳动力资本拥有者及其利益代表者与物质资本所有者及其经营者之间在劳动中所形成的既对立统一、又互惠互利的经济利益关系。
Only child university student interpersonal harmonious present situation and characteristic the reciprocal benefit and communicates two aspects to score points high, the equality and forgives these two aspects to score points lowly. 独生子女大学生人际和谐现状及特点互惠和沟通两个方面得分最高,平等和宽容这两个方面得分最低。
ⅲ. The superiority of dialogue management: the inter-subjectivity in the management relation; the constructiveness and productivity in the management process; the reciprocal and win-win benefit in the management result. 第三,对话管理的优势表现为:管理关系体现主体间性;管理过程具有建构性、生成性;管理结果具有互惠、共赢性。
In fact, Axelrod researches show that the reciprocal benefit relations can allow the trust creation, explained the reciprocal benefit relations are one of conditions for trust to create. 事实上,艾克斯罗德等人的研究无意间揭示了互惠互利关系可以诱致信用产生,说明互惠互利是信用产生的条件之一。
It is necessary for mainland China and Taiwan Region to further solve the issue of reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgements in order that citizens on both side of the Straits could benefit. 内地与台湾地区之间,也有必要进一步解决判决的相互承认与执行,真正造福两岸百姓。
The social capital is one of most important constituents of hospital capital, it mainly constituted by hospital interior and the hospital trust, the reciprocal benefit with the cooperation related a series of manner and the values. 社会资本是医院资本的重要组成部分之一,它主要是由医院内部和医院外部的信任、互惠和合作有关的一系列态度和价值观所构成的。
Although the academic circles unable to agree to the social capital concept, but mostly will approve trusts, the reciprocal benefit, the citizen participates in the network to take the social capital the integrant part. 尽管学术界对社会资本的概念界定莫衷一是,但是大都认同将信任、互惠、公民参与网络作为社会资本的构成要素。